martes, 9 de abril de 2013

Strange Days on Planet Earth

Around the globe, scientists are racing to solve a series of mysteries. Unsettling transformations are sweeping across the planet, and clue by clue, investigators around the world are assembling a new picture of Earth, discovering ways that seemingly disparate events are connected. Crumbling houses in New Orleans are linked to voracious creatures from southern China. Vanishing forests in Yellowstone are linked to the disappearance of wolves. An asthma epidemic in the Caribbean is linked to dust storms in Africa. Scientists suspect we have entered a time of global change swifter than any human being has ever witnessed. Where are we headed? What can we do to alter this course of events? National Geographic's Strange Days on Planet Earth, premiering in Spring 2005 on PBS, explores these questions. Drawing upon research being generated by a new discipline, Earth System Science (ESS), the series aims to create an innovative type of environmental awareness. By revealing a cause and effect relationship between what we as humans do to the Earth and what that in turn does to our environment and ecosystems, the series creates a new sense of environmental urgency. Award-winning actor, writer and director Edward Norton (Primal Fear, American History X, Italian Job) hosts the series. A dedicated environmental activist, Norton has a special interest in providing solar energy to low income families. Each of the four one-hour episodes is constructed as a high-tech detective story, with the fate of the planet at stake.


Frammenti video di Bruno Bozzetto, genio italiano di cartoons d'autore, che fanno riflettere, a cura di Antonio Giangrande.
Stereotipi o ritratto dell'italiano medio?!?. Sta ad ognuno di noi riconoscersi nel modello illustrato ed eventualmente impegnarsi a cambiarlo e a cambiarsi.

viernes, 5 de abril de 2013

Once upon a time, local democracy

The Centre of Expertise for Local Government is a body of the Council of Europe which supports member States in the delivery of good democratic local government. It was set up following a decision of the Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe when they met for a third summit in Warsaw in May 2005. Through this initiative, Council of Europe member States recognise the on-going importance of decentralisation and the essential role of effective local authorities in a sound democracy. The Centre responds to the challenge of building up the capacities of local authorities -- and their Associations -- to be able to provide good leadership and deliver local services to European standards.