lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012

The Human Rights Act 1998 includes 16 basic rights:

  • The Human Rights Act 1998 includes 16 basic rights
  • the right to life; 
  • protection from torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; 
  • freedom from slavery; 
  • the right to liberty; 
  • the right to a fair and public hearing by an independent court; 
  • the right to respect for privacy and family life; 
  • the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; 
  • the right to freedom of expression; 
  • the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of association; 
  • the right to education; the right to enjoy one's possessions; 
  • the right to elect a government by secret ballot; 
  • the absence of the death penalty; 
  • the right to enjoy the above rights without discrimination.

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